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Thursday 12 December 2013

Awesome tips for beautiful life!!!

It is your attitude that makes you feel happy or unhappy.
We meet various situations every day, and some of them may not contribute to happiness. However, we can choose to keep thinking about the unhappy events, and we can choose to refuse to think about them, and instead, think about and relish the happy moments.life_beautiful22 tumblr_mboktkrDm91raoj2eo1_500_large
Read this and find out how to make the best of your life being and helping you and others to be happy.
1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. & while you walk, SMILE.
It is the ultimate antidepressant.
2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
3. When you wake up in the morning, Pray to ask God’s
guidance for your purpose, today.
4. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food
that is manufactured in plants.
5. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, broccoli, and almonds.
6. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
7. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past,
negative thoughts or things you cannot control.
Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
8. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a
college kid with a maxed out charge card.
9. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.
10. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Forgive them for
everything !
11. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
12. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
13. Make peace with your past so it won’t spoil the present.
14. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what
their journey is all about.
15. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
16. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: ‘In five years,
will this matter?’
17. Help the needy,Be generous ! Be a ‘Giver’ not a ‘Taker’
18. What other people think of you is none of your business.
19. Time heals everything.
20. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
21. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your
friends will. Stay in touch.
22. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
23. Each night before you go to bed ,Pray to God and Be thankful
for what you’ll accomplish, today !
24. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.
25.Share this to everyone on your list to help them lead a happier
Log on to you can find various other ways to cheer up.. Go shopping to cheer up , Buy jewelry , eat organic.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Health Benefits of Peanuts

Carry a box of roasted peanuts and keep it in your office drawer. A healthy snack to have during those long boring meetings! 
Whole peanuts contains high amount of protein, which makes it a preferred diet of those people engaged in body-building and those people who are weak and underweight.
Peanut contain vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that is shown to significantly reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Peanut contain iron which is essential for the correct functioning of red blood cells.
Peanut is rich in calcium which helps promotes healthy bones.
Peanut has higher bioflavonoid resveratrol content than grapes. This bioflavonoid is believed to improve blood flow in the brain by as much as 30%, thus greatly reducing the risk of stroke.

• Individuals with kidney or gallbladder problems should avoid eating peanuts, because peanuts contain measurable amounts of oxalates, a naturally occurring substance found in plants, animals and human beings. When oxalates become too concentrated in body fluids, they can crystallize and cause health problems.

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• Individuals with thyroid problems may need to avoid peanuts because peanuts contains goitrogens, a naturally occurring substance in certain foods that can interfere with the functioning of they thyroid gland. Although cooking may help to inactivate the goitrogenic compounds found in food, but it is not clear from the study how many percentage of goitrogenic compounds get inactivated by cooking.

For Healthy Certified Organic Food Log on to

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Home Remedies for depression

Being depressed can make you feel helpless. You're not. Along with therapy and sometimes medication, there's a lot you can do on your own to fight back. Changing your behavior -- your physical activity, lifestyle, and even your way of thinking -- are all natural depression treatments.
Do you want to learn natural depression treatments that can help you feel better -- starting right now? Here are some tips.
Tip 1:
An Apple eaten with milk and honey is very good to uplift a mood.
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" :)
Tip 2:
Powder the seeds of 2 green cardamoms. Add to 1 cup of boiling water, add sugar and drink this tea 2 times a day.
Green Cardamom WholeGreen Cardamom Powder
Tip 3:
Add a handful of fresh Rose petals to a cup of boiling water. Add sugar and drink as and when a feeling of depression sets in.
As strange as it might sound, you have to work at having fun. Plan things you used to enjoy, even if they feel like a chore. Keep going to the movies. Keep going out with friends for dinner.
When you're depressed, you can lose the knack for enjoying life, Cook tells Indianity. You have to relearn how to do it. In time, fun things really will feel fun again.
If you are looking for Indian Organic food, log on to

Monday 9 December 2013

Home Remedies for Cold and Cough

Common cold and cough home remedies that are very effective in relieving cold and cough are as follows
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  • Take 5ml of fresh tulsi and mix it in 10ml of pure honey. Take this daily at least twice a day.
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  • Mix 5ml of onion juice with 10ml of pure honey. Consume this mixture at least twice a day.Honey1
  • Another effective natural cough remedy is to chew 4 basil leaves and black pepper. This will relief your cough.
Black Pepper Whole
  • Take ½ teaspoon of ginger juice with ½ teaspoon of honey, three times a day Warm the mixture by mixing a teaspoon of warm water in it especially in winter.
  • Honey
  • Take garlic and boil them in water, then drink it. This is one of the useful home remedies for cough.
  • One of the most useful remedies for cough is to take 1-2 gm powder of fried turmeric with honey, thrice a day.
  • Turmeric Powder 100G
  • Add 5-10 drops of eucalyptus, peppermint, pine, lavender, thyme, tea tree oil to a bowl of steaming water. Place your nose over the vapors and inhale, covering yourself with a towel and inhale deeply. This is one of the effective cure treatments.
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  • Take some mint and eucalyptuses leaves and boil them together in water and then inhale its vapors when it gets cooled. It will also help in relieving cough and cold.iStock_000000477006XSmall
  • One of the natural ways to cure could and cough is to a take bath with a few drops of cinnamon in the bath water that can help in relieving congestion.Cinnamon Stick
  • Take hot water in a tub or bucket add some Vicks vaporub in it. Cover your head with the towel and then started inhaling by placing your nose over vapors. This also has been found to be effective in the common cold treatment. steam-pic
  • A cup of grape juice mixed with honey gives quick relief from cough.16178802-red-wine-and-grape-juice-taken-on-a-white-background

Thursday 21 November 2013

Uses of Tumeric Powder in India
My food is incomplete without the tint of this bright yellow spice called ‘haldi’ or turmeric powder. It not only gives the color and taste but it also has wonderful health benefits. Since childhood, I have been hearing of turmeric and its health benefits from my mommy. I have passed on same learning to my own kids. Let me share some of the benefits with you:

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  1. During cough and cold, we drink milk boiled along with turmeric powder.
turmaric milk         

 2.   When we use to get hurt or we use to get some sprains or swellings, our mother used to apply the paste of turmeric powder. She use to tell us that turmeric powder is the best anti-spectic.

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  3.  During wedding ceremonies, there is a special day
for haldi in India. Haldi gives beautiful skin, that is the
reason haldi is applied to bride and groom to make them look beautiful on wedding day.      

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4.  Wonderful looking skin: Most of creams and soaps have turmeric added in it.

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5.  It helps in digestion as it has got anti-inflammatory qualities.

6.  It increases memory.

7.  Now I have also realized that Turmeric powder is beneficial in treating as well as preventing harmful diseases like asthma, arthritis, cancer, liver diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer, etc.

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  Turmeric powder should be pure and original to provide its health benefits. These days, the turmeric powder we get in market is full of adulterants and chemicals. Buy only the organic turmeric powder from

Tuesday 19 November 2013

How to lead a happy life?

1. Keep Smiling:
Keep an ever smiling face. Smile is the curve which can set things right. Be it a relationship or difficult life situation, just keep smiling. Yes, keep smiling because only a real life hero has guts to smile in difficult phase of life.
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2. Remain down to earth:
No one can gain by holding that ego. Free yourself from ego and think life from others perspective as well.
3. Forgive and Forget:
Because if you will hold that feeling of grudge inside, you will not be able to move forward. Rather forget things and take it is as an opportunity.
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4. Being grateful:
Be grateful for what you have. It is probably the best GOD would have given you. See the people who are suffering more than you. You are still leading a better life.
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5. Stay calm and composed:
When you panic, things get complicated. Think with open mind about the solutions. Forget about the problem. Just be concerned about what you can do next.
Buy only organic food. The normal food is full of pesticides and harmful chemicals. You become what you eat. So buy only quality organic food for your family. It is a good idea to start organic food now as it will be preventing lot of health problems in later life. My mum always say – “ See what you are eating.”. If you think it is not good for health. Eat it but in less quantity. Being healthy is
indian organic USDA
7. Keep praying:
Never ask for any materialistic things from GOD. Because, any which ways you will only get what is written in your destiny. Keep praying for strength and wisdom. If you will have these two things, you will be able to overcome all the difficult situations of life.
8. Spend time with your family and loved ones:
It is important to have a balanced life. Most important gift you can to your children/ your spouse/your parents is time. Work will continue life long, but the time you will share with your family is simply precious.
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9. Never compare your life with others as you don’t know what is their journey all about.
10. Zero Expectation:
Rather it is better to live upto expectation. Because when you will live up to expectation of your loved ones, you will feel happy from inside that atleast you fulfilled your duties properly. Relationships get worse when you expect things from others. Live life with zero expectation.
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Thursday 14 November 2013

Six Essential Indian Spices

Add flavour and health to your food with Indian spices Yes, it is true. You will not find a single household without these spices. Below listed Indian spices are essentially present in every Indian household. In fact it is kept at the most approachable place inside the kitchen. Our food is never prepared without them. Indian spices not just add flavour to our food and it is essential for health as well.

1.   Red Chilli: Indian like extra chilli in their food and red chilli is the main ingredient for adding spice in       food. Though it should not be eaten in large quantity, it is good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin and some         minerals.

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2.  Turmeric Powder: It is great natural anti- sceptic. Used in almost every Indian Preparation. It is         referred as ‘queen of spices’. It helps in digestion, increase immunity, reduces weight, aids                       diabetes, heals wound etc.

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3.  Coriander powder: Again it is used in every Indian Curry. It gives right taste and color to curry. Along with taste, it helps in digestion, increases appetite, purifies blood, cure inflammation , fever and other             callergies.

4.  Mango Powder: This spice is added to all the fried preparation. It has a sour taste. It helps in digestion   and is also a good source of iron. It is rich in vitamins like A, C and E. It aids in acidity as well.


 5.  Mustard seeds: Used in all south Indian preparations and curries.It helps in asthma, losing weight, can    slow down ageing and can also help in reducing muscle pain.

 6.  Cumin Seeds: Used in preparation of all lentils. It has got nutty peppery flavour. It helps in boasting        memory, effective in diabetes and asthma diseases.

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Start adding Indian Spices for flavour as well as health. Purchase organic Indian spices for genuine health benefits. If you are looking for Organic Indian Spices, visit