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Wednesday 29 January 2014

10 quick tips to reduce weight naturally

Obesity can RISK your health,Reduce your Weight by Natural Way- 10 Effective Home Remedies for Losing Weight ~
1) Eat lots of Fruits
images (1)
2) Avoid too much salt
3) Avoid too much Milk products like cheese, butter & don’t eat too much Meat and non-vegetarian foods.
4) Have Spices like dry ginger, cinnamon, black pepper etc.Black Pepper Powder
5) Eat lots of green vegetables.Green-Vegetables-poster
6) Taking of honey is an excellent home remedy for obesity.Honey
7) Cabbage is considered to be an effective remedy for loosing weight.  It can be taken raw or cooked.DSC_6043
9) Lime juice is excellent for weight reduction.ABSOLUT-CILANTRO-PINEAPPLE-GIMLET

10) Measure the portions of your food. Smaller meals at a regular interval of 4 to 5 hours will keep your metabolism high and prevent your body from converting the food you intake into fat.
Top it off with Exercise, which is an important part of weight reduction plan. It helps to use up calories stored in body as fat. In addition, it also relieves tension and tones up the muscles of the body. Walking is the best exercise to begin with and may be followed by running, swimming, rowing, cycling etc…
So, Go ahead Take care of your body, Stay Healthy Stay Happy…

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Natural Therapy For Headaches

Natural Therapy For Headaches !! In about 5 mins, your headache will go…….
The nose has a left and a right side.We use both to inhale and exhale.
Actually they are different. You’ll be able to feel the difference.
The right side represents the sun. The left side represents the moon.
During a headache, try to close your right nose and use your left nose to breathe.
In about 5 mins, your headache will go.
If you feel tired, just reverse, close your left nose and breathe through your right nose.
After a while, you will feel your mind is refreshed.
Right side belongs to ‘hot’, so it gets heated up easily. Left side belongs to ‘cold’.
Most females breathe with their left noses, so they get “cooled off” faster.
Most of the guys breathe with their right noses, they get worked up.
Do you notice, the moment you awake, which side breathes better? Left or right ?
If left is better, you will feel tired.
So, close your left nose and use your right nose for breathing..You will feel refreshed quickly.
Do you suffer from continual headaches? Try out this breathing therapy.
Close your right nose and breathe through your left nose. Your headaches will be gone.
Continued the exercise for one month.
breathing (1)
Why not give it a try…..a natural therapy without medication.
Wish you Healthy Life from

Saturday 25 January 2014

10 Ways to Prevent Diabetes

Diabetes affects 24 million people in the U.S., but only 18 million know they have it. About 90% of those people have type 2 diabetes.
In diabetes, rising blood sugar acts like a poison.
Diabetes is often called the silent killer because of its easy-to-miss symptoms.
The best way to pick up on it is to have a blood sugar test. But if you have these symptoms, see your doctor.
Here are some Tips on How one can avoid, Control Diabetes
1. Eat food at fixed hours. Do not overeat. over-eating-300x300
2. Do not eat immediately after a workout.original
3. If you are on insulin, make sure you have three proper meals with light snacks in between.img_3453-300x225
4. Do not eat fast; masticate and munch your food well before you swallow.Fast eating
5. Drink a lot of water that will help flush the toxins off your system.thirst-diabetes-type-400x400
6. Make sure the gaps between your meals are short. Avoid fried foods and sweetmeats.Homemade White Bread with Strawberry Jam
7. Include fresh vegetable salad in every meal.7176032-healthy-vegetable-salad-on-white-background
8. Have at least 20 to 25 grams of raw onion daily.175448398a
9. Do at-least 1 hour exercise daily.Morning-Exercise-for-Women
10. Add wheat bran to your wheat flour (50% wheat flour + 50% wheat bran). This helps to increase fibre in your diet.
Wheat Bran

If you feel you may be depressed, take this concern to your doctor.  Depression can make it more difficult for you to take care of your health and of your diabetes.  At the same time, poor diabetic control can make your depression worse.
Above all, stay positive. Diabetes care is within your control. If you’re willing to do your part, diabetes won’t stand in the way of an active, healthy life.
For healthy life and healthy Food Shop Online Log on to

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Simple precaution in Cough, Cold and Fever – Children

For children, simple precaution in Cough, Cold and Fever :
  1. Drink hot water with honey – 4 times a day.Honey
  2. Hot milk (older children can have hot tea and coffee also).Buttermilk-Summer-Drinks-that-can-Keep-you-Cool
  3. Hot soup, rice kanji.                                                      Pink Lentil
  4. Gargling with hot water or salt-water.salt-water-sore-throat-400x400
  5. No bath for 2 days during fever. Next 4 days, no head bath, only a body bath. Later, head bath as usual.
  6. Air conditioning is to be controlled at 25 degree C in the day, 27 degree at night. In winter months, better to switch it off.
  7. No ice cream, cold drinks or cold fruit juices especially in winter.
  8. Warm clothing (sweater, head cap) while going to school in the winter months.
Source : Daily Health Inspirations – Stay Healthy With Organic Food~ Stay Happy ~ because Good Health is true Wealth…

Wednesday 15 January 2014

How to keep your heart healthy

Did you know that eating certain foods at a given time in the day can help you shed pounds and keep your heart healthy?
Dietitians across the world recommend eating small meals at regular intervals during the day. Here are some tips to get you started:
• Breakfast @ 7 am: Pack in a protein punch for breakfast to keep you feeling full and energetic throughout the day.
• Snack @ 10 am: Have a fruit or vegetable salad for your fiber intake. Mix it up with protein content.
• Lunch at 12:30 pm: Include foods with extra protein such as legumes, pulses, soybeans etc . Pair these with sautéed veggies like carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, sliced cucumber, etc.
• Snack @ 4pm: Eat fruit, yogurt or a grilled cottage cheese sandwich to sustain your energy levels further.
Salted Jeera Cookie
• Dinner @ 7pm: Choose foods to create a healthy platter with one quarter proteins, one quarter whole grains and one half veggies.
• Midnight snack @ 12 am: If you’re burning the night oil, don’t stay hungry. Snack on something light like a glass of milk with 2 cookies, fruits or soup.
Log on to to get the healthy organic products online.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

7 Dangerous acts after a meal

~7 Dangerous acts after a meal~

1. Don’t smoke —- Experiments from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (chances of cancer is higher)
2. Don’t eat fruits immediately — Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Thre fore take fruits 1 -2 hours after meal or 1 hour before meal.
3. Don’t drink tea—— Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the protein content in the food we consume to be hundred thus difficult to digest.
4. Don’t loosen your belt———- Loosening the belt after meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted and blocked.
5. Don’t bathe———- ——- Bathing after meal will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs and body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease, this will weaken the digestive system in our stomach.
6. Don’t walk about———- — People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake.
7. Don’t sleep immediately—- ——– The food we intake will not be to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric and infection in our intestine.
Please Share it to your friends let them be aware…

Health benefits of drinking milk

Growing up, we were all forced to drink at least 2 glasses of milk every day. But, not only is milk great for kids, it also offers health benefits for adults:
• Medical research proves that a higher intake of calcium reduces the risk of heart diseases
• Consumption of milk and milk products as part of a controlled diet helps lose weight faster
Corn Flakes
• Milk is great for the health of your teeth
• Dairy products provide calcium, magnesium, phosphorous and protein for sustained development of bone health and strength
Wheat Flakes
So enjoy a glass of milk for breakfast, and another one in the evening. Make a seasonal fruit shake or have it as it is.
For healthy Organic food and milk and breakfast food and many more. log on to  

Saturday 11 January 2014

Health benefit of ALMONDS

Almonds are rich in Vitamin E and manganese, and potassium

Vitamins E and C ( in the future I will write about vitamin C) function as nutrients in improving lipid metabolism. Changes in lipids have also been implicated in cancer development (a part of my research work). The antioxidant vitamin E presents in almonds helps to reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering LDL (bad ) cholesterol.
Almonds rich in magnesium and potassium. (trace amount of sodium is also seen) – involving in nerve transmission and the contraction of all muscles including heart and improves the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients throughout the body – protecting against high blood pressure.
Blood pressure measuring studio shot
The mono-saturated fat in almonds satisfies appetite and prevents over-eating.
Vitamin E rich almonds also help in improving the complexion of the skin.
Buy organic beverages and snacks online. Enjoy your favorite crunchy snacks, puffed snacks, cookies, rusk , Gluten free cookies organic dry fruits and a lot more. log on to